Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America (MPVA) is offering you and your company the opportunity to join us in sustaining our mission of enhancing the lives of veterans and individuals with spinal cord injury or disease (SCI/D) in the state of Michigan. We are looking for business partners to join our mission in a very special way—by becoming a MPVA Corporate Member.

Featured Corporate Member:

There are many benefits to joining MPVA as a corporate member. Some of them include:

  • Recognition as a MVPA Corporate Member on MPVA's website, www.michiganpva.org, which receives approximately 800 hits a day and is also linked to the state of Michigan's website.
  • A subscription to our newsletter and all other MPVA mailings.
  • An opportunity to increase your visibility through featured presentations in MPVA publications. Your company will be recognized each time you renew your Annual MPVA Corporate Membership, and you'll receive 50% off each additional "featured spot" you purchase in our bi-monthly newsletter, The Rollin' Times, which reaches out to more than 2,000 homes and businesses.
  • Access to MPVA's resources, including our library publications.
  • Networking opportunities at our Membership meetings and Advisory Board meetings. In addition, you will receive 50% off all of MPVA's Annual Open House Sponsorship Opportunities which takes place during PVA Awareness Week (the second week of April).

With your support we can continue to work toward the goal of ending paralysis; provide veterans benefits to those who have served; advocate for civil rights for all persons with disabilities; and provide wheelchair sports and recreation programs.

If you are interested in joining us in meeting this challenge, please download the membership application and return it to us at:

Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America
46701 Commerce Center Drive
Plymouth, MI 48170.

If you have any questions about this program or would like more information on MPVA, email Brenda Wheater.